Want to highlight your business in BoaterBase?

Have multiple brokers managing different listings?

Now you can with BoaterBase.

Business Profiles

Your primary profile may now be set to 'Business' and will support your full logo, as well as generate a page will all your listings. 

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PRO tip 

You can use your profile page as a landing page or even embed them into your websites. 

This page is meant for direct messaging with your company's primary contact. 

Personal Profiles

You may add up to 10 Team Profiles too!  Your smiling face will be featured in the circular avatar that appears on listings, and your Profile page will include just the listings you manage. 

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How-to; Set your Business Profile

On your dashboard click on the avatar
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Choose Edit

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Switch the slider to 'Business'

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Upload your regular business logo

Now add your team profiles ( see this article)  , but don't set them to business.