Spread the news...  Share your Logbook entries on Listings and Profiles! 

Our watchlist feature automatically populates your Listing subscriber list for each listing. 

You man also choose to add names and emails to those lists on an individual or bulk basis. 

Please see this article for Subscriber List upload and editing procedures: 

In your Dashboard click on Listings, then the Kabob menu. 

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If you want to send a Logbook update to a Subscriber List for one of your Profiles, choose a profile from your Account ID Icon in the upper right corner of your Dashboard and select Profiles

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Click on the Kabob menu and select the Logbook option

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Choose the Logbook entry you want to promote and click it's Kabob menu. 

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You'll have the option to send a test email to yourself ( the account profile email) or to send your Logbook Entry directly to the Subscriber list for that listing. When you make a selection the app will ask for a verification, and click OK to continue. 

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