Collections let you group your inventory for display on any web page you have script access* to. 

BoaterBase becomes your marketing ally in a big way if you have more than a single boat or two to promote. 

You can create any number of custom 'Collections' of your inventory.  Group by

  • New vs used,
  • Power vs sail, or
  • Boats you want to feature for special promotion. 

You can use Collections to:

  • Publish your inventory on your website(s).
  • Create promotable "Landing Pages" for specific boats 
  • Publish content on marketing partner websites.
  • Create online advertising that drives people to targeted marketing within your Collections. 

Creating a collection is simple 

1. Click on the Collections Menu Bar on your Dashboard

2. Click on the blue "ADD" ( +) button at the bottom right of the Collections page.

3. Give your collection a name ie: Day Sailors

4. Click on the blue "ADD" ( +) button at the bottom right of the Edit Collection page that appears.

5. You'll see the modal pop up that includes your inventory. Simply select the listings you want to include in the collection and they will be added. Click the radio button control next to each listing you want to include

6. Be sure to SAVE your Collection

ADD to, DELETE from and EDIT a Collection 

1. On the Collections page, click on the 3 ellipse menu next to the Collection you want to edit. 

2. ADD more listings in the same way as specified above. You'll see that listings that are already in the collection will be grayed out, and listings available to publish in that collection can be selected.

3. DELETE a listing in a collection by clicking on the 3 ellipse menu next to the Collection you want to edit and choose the DELETE menu item.  Verify your action in the popup  

4. EDIT any of the titles of listings for this collection.  Click on the 3 ellipse menu next to the Collection you want to edit, and overwrite the default title for any listings with a custom message. 

[Note: The original listing title will not change when a user views the listing. The Title Override Edit only affects the Collection View. ]